Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Greatest Name I've Ever Been Called

Well folks, I've been called many things in my life.  Some names are not worth repeating, others sounded fairly prestigious, some even demanded respect, others were meant to hurt.  By far, the greatest name I have been called, the grandest title I have had is "Daddy".

I became "Daddy" 8 years ago today when my precious son Zachary was born.  What a tremendous responsibility it is being Daddy, one that I relish and approach with a deep respect. 

Below is a portrait I did of Zach a couple of years ago.  I think it is time to do another one for this wonderful little man that I am so proud of.
" Reflective Zachary" by Robert S Dilling graphite on paper 10x12
Happy Birthday Zach!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Poem Panels

So, I’m currently working on something a bit different…Poem Panels. 

So, what in the world are “Poem Panels”?

This is a bit of a Graphic Design project with a twist.  The client asked for three different  poems to be written out on three panels to be placed as the backdrop in a living room built-in shelf.  Each poem represents each of the family’s three children and the corresponding photo of each child will be in front of the poem.  These are fairly large about 52×24 inches each.  Okay, that may be hard to visualize…I’ll post photos when it is all said and done.  This will give you a basic idea.
Poem Panel Sample Layout
I am going at this project electronically.  I’ve used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to lay out the Poems and get the colors right.  There is still some tweaking to be done.  I’ve also gone through hundreds of fonts to find the “right” look.  I will be printing these in Giclee quality, mounting to panels, and then applying a clear finish to protect and give a painterly look and texture.  Next, install the panels in the built-in shelf.

This is a fantastic idea that the client had, she just was unsure of how to make it happen.  I am thrilled to make her vision become a reality!

Live well,

Old Mesilla Arched Door

This is the first very small,  dare I say “tiny” painting I have attempted.  This little guy is 5×7 inches, painted in oils on linen.  I have been wanting to paint this little scene for at least a couple of years…well, here it is.

Old Mesilla Arched Door by Robert S Dilling
 I used a photo I took while visiting friends in Las Cruces, NM as source material.  Old Mesilla is a fantastic little place within Cruces with some beautiful Southwestern Architecture, great history, Native American Jewelry/art, and some really excellent New Mex cuisine.

I did come to learn that painting a high degree of detail on such a small scale was quite a challenge.  I really aimed to capture the depth and texture in the scene in order to draw the viewer in and give them a sense of calm and a bit of curiosity.  I am debating painting this again, but on a much larger scale….

This painting is for sale if you are interested.  I will also have small GiclĂ©es available in the near future.

Live Well,

All Bark No Bite

Pet portraits?  Absolutely!

I received a commission to produce a graphite portrait of a client's beloved dog Luke.  I used to wince when asked about pet portraits, but this one helped me accept that it could be quite a bit of fun and that people really do want fine art of their precious pets.

Drawing from life for an active little dog was not going to work out.  I had some formal introductions to Luke the dog, saw him in action, and ended up drawing from photographs.  The client was extremely pleased with the final drawing and I learned a great deal and overcame my fears of pet portraiture.

Live fearlessly,
"All Bark No Bite" by Robert S Dilling graphite on paper 11x14 inches